Friday, May 8, 2009

Parking on a Friday Night

Last Friday night, a friend and I went to downtown Stuart for dinner. The parking lots were rather full and as I turned into a particular lot, she was amazed that I immediately found a parking place.  I believe her comment was “Oh, do you manifest parking places too?” No, I just knew there was one waiting for me. There always is.

Some people go through life looking for full parking lots and find them. They spend hours driving around looking to find ways to see full lots. They are so focused on finding spots in exactly the right place, they will block traffic for ten minutes waiting for someone to pull out and make room for them. Most of the time they go home complaining about the lack of parking, the selfish people who beat them to a spot, or how much they didn't accomplish because they spent all day driving in circles.

Other people pull into parking lots and immediately find parking places. They know there are places available and so they drive to one, accept it for what it is, and are willing to walk an extra 45 seconds in exchange for not having to drive around frustrated. These people usually get to where they want to go faster, happier, and maybe a tad bit healthier.

I am always amazed how people choose not to find success, not to find love, not to find happiness because they are so busy finding excuses that they never see the opportunities right in front of them.  Just because the opportunities don’t come gift-wrapped with big bows and our name written all over them, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. 


  1. I LOVE this post, Greg! So true! Keep 'em comin'! :)

  2. I am overjoyed that this blog is not describing what I thought it would....your a good writer Williams...

  3. giggles, I to enjoyed this post and agree with Timmy about the description...lead me to believe it was something else lol.
