Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ten Great Blogs to follow on Social Marketing

It started out as a fun way to connect with friends and family.  It was our little safe haven for self-expression. It was  our pathway to creativity.

Well it isn't anymore! Like it or not, social networking is transforming industries, creating and breaking businesses across the globe, changing the face of politics, and influencing our career path at every turn. It is the next big wave and will offer more opportunities  than the World Wide Web did at the end of the last century. Those individuals and businesses who embrace it and harness it will be the next overnight success stories. Those who resist or ignore it, will be struggling to find work and customers in the very near future.

I have been exploring and studying this paradigm shift in personal and commercial marketing along with my students for the past several months and I am only beginning to grasp some of the plethora of tools that are available. I feel overwhelmed, have sworn off sleep, and can't seem to find enough time to do all the little things I know I should be doing to promote myself and my students.

Tonight, the subject came up in three online conversations tonight with friends who are as curious as I am on how to position themselves and their businesses to take advantage of the coming surge. So for the next few weeks, I will share what I can
and hopefully learn as I go. I look forward to learning with you and from you.

Step 1 - Learn from the Experts

You may be a forerunner, but you are not a pioneer. There are people who know a great deal more than you and I do and who are willing to share this information with anyone willing to invest the time to read it.

Here are ten blogs that I read regularly which I have found to be very useful.

I am not a big fan of listing other people's blogs, but because of the questions tonight, I am sharing these as a place to start. 

1 comment:

  1. Greg, my name is Jay Robinson and I work at Fasturtle Interactive in Scottsdale, Arizona. Thanks a lot for linking to our site, it is always fun to meet people through the internet.

    Take care!
