Monday, March 23, 2009

What we forgot

I've often heard people say comments like "I've forgotten more than you'll ever know." Well a friend of mine when I was asking for advice reminded me how much I had actually forgotten. As we start moving forward and become fascinated with new technologies, we often neglect to continue doing the things that actually worked for us. I have seen this especially in 3D and web design with students, and myself, taking a long complicated route to get to a simple solution and then after hours of struggle realize that the best solution was only a mouse click away from the beginning.

We also see this in our personal and professional development as well. As blogging has expanded and social networks are where we spend too much of our time, we often forget the tried and true methods that actually helped us grow and develop. I used to read How, CA, and a few other magazines religiously but quit making time to spend an hour a day with the printed page. Those magazines are still out there, yet I forgot how truly useful they were. I used to work through three to four books a month on design and software. Now I spend half my day trying to locate an interesting online article while my library stands as a monument to another time. I used to go to Ad Fed meetings, Chamber gatherings, AIGA events, and Toastmasters meetings. now I send mass e-mail and post bulletins and hope someone might decide to look at them.

The point is that as we move forward in our knowledge and technology keeps advancing rapidly, the tools that worked should remain steadfast parts of our arsenal. Technology serves best when it enhances what we are already successfully doing, not when it simply replaces the old with the new.

Here are a few musts for any design student:

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