Friday, November 2, 2012

Who are we?

Are we a group of individuals each looking out for our own self-interest, or are we a country of human beings who care for one another and understand that what effects one of us, effects us all? Are we about greed or about cooperation and compassion? Are we more interested in talking about "Christian Values" or practicing them? Should we be divided by the labels we apply to one another, or be united by the love of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Should justice be fair, equitable, and protected by law, or should we pass laws that limit the rights and freedoms of those who are different than us? Should the Internet be censored and controlled by Businesses? Are corporations human? Is protecting the environment an obligation we have to future generations? Should those who ship our jobs to China be exempt from paying US taxes? Should we build alliances and cooperation or try force our point of view through bullying and intimidation both 
domestically and internationally? It is easy to say this election is about a conservative versus a moderate or liberal or about a Democrat versus a Republican. In reality it is about much more than that. It is about who we are as a nation, what we value, and what we want to become in the future.

I believe in loving one another. I believe in compassion for our fellow man. I believe the human spirit is more valuable than the corporate commodity. I believe we are the stewards of the world and the nation we were given, to protect it and to enhance it, not to rape, pillage, and plunder it. I believe God is watching and I believe that god does care. That is why I voted for Barack Obama and pray that every American does the same.