Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Best DAM Poster Contest

Keiser University Design and Multimedia students are competing for over $500.00 in prizes in The Best D.A.M. Poster contest. Please vote (like) and leave your feedback for these aspiring designers.

You must "like" Keiser University before you can vote on the individual entries.

Thank you for caring enough to help out our students.

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Motivation is in Full Throttle

So yesterday I was chatting with a former student who was pursuing another degree because she did not feel confident in her design skills. She had an opportunity to do some layout work for a local business but was about to let the opportunity pass because she was "afraid of looking stupid".

Here ia a transcript of the text string that transpired 18 hours later:

"Just fyi... I gave him the first draft last night and he loves it. Said its the best anyone has ever done on the first draft and I haven’t even worked with him before. He has people that have been doing stuff for him for a while that don’t give him a first draft that is laid out so well. Made me excited.

I found my love for InDesign again. He is paying me $20/hr. Woohoo"


This was the test job... he said if I did a good job that he would continue sending me all his print work for me to setup. He sends me the text and pictures and I lay everything out in InDesign
Easy Money!"

"And I thought you gave up on design"

"Heck no. Just very self conscious. I am my worst critic."

"Aren't we all?"

"But he gave me a crud load of compliments and he said he really likes that I adapted to the style he asked me to. He asked me to use the cover he made for it and incorporate it somehow throughout the brochure and still give it a newish style but he loved it! YAY!

I AM SOOOOO EXCITED that I can work from home doing design work.

He was most excited that I beat the deadline ... he wanted something by this morning and I got him his first proof last night."

"So happy for you. Now will you enter the Festival of Design and finish this month's course?"

"Yes sir.
I am excited
Motivation is back in full throttle."